EXHIBITIONS 1996-Single Painting exposition, Arcade Bar, 1997-Palencia exposition Single Painting, Bar Arcade, Palencia 1997-painting exposition permanente, Bar La Parada, Palencia. 1998-Individual Painting exposition, CafPrincipal, Salamanca. 2000-access is in porcelain decoration, School of Art, Salamanca. Collective exposition 2000-Sculpture, carving in stone, City Hall Villamayor, Salamanca. Access to injury in 2001-Sculpture Contest, School of Architects, Salamanca. 2001 Collective exposition Sculpture, Casa de las Conchas, Salamanca. 2004-Second Prize Painting Women's Institute, Palencia. 2004-Collective painting exposition, Caja Laboral, Palencia. 2004 - Collective exposition of Sculpture, Expo-air, Palencia. 2005-2Premio Decoration carnival bar Blue Velvet, 2005-Palencia Selected works of painting and sculpture contest of the 2005 Hall Palencia collective exposition of sculpture and painting, Ten Fundacin Caneja, Palencia 2006 - First Prize for painting women democracy. Palencia